Monday, November 23, 2009

Say Thank You

When someone does something for me that's sweet, I always make it a point to say thank you. I sent a blogger a subscription to a nice magazine that I though this blogger would have loved. Not a word or a thank you. Honestly, I could have spent my money on other important things. All they have to do is get in contact with me. But now I know, I wouldn't do that again. What I view from this, is that they obviously don't appreciate it. No more, you don't have to worry about me anymore.

What inconsideration they had. Wow, ungrateful.

Keep it real everybody and show someone you appreciate the nice things they do for you by saying, "thank you."

Have a blessed Thankful-Thanksgiving everybody.


  1. Oh goodness, I'm so sorry you did not receive a "thank you" after doing such a nice thing for someone. Yuck. Thank yous are so important.

    Hope you're having a great Thanksgiving!

  2. Thank you Jill. I believe I ate too much.
